On Aug. 24, Dr. Gregg Chenoweth ’90 and his wife, Tammy (Salyer) Chenoweth ’89, hosted the annual President’s Dinner for Faculty and Staff in Chalfant Hall. Esther (Thomas) Tueck ’97, director of the Shalom Project, served as the host for the evening, recognizing special guests and providing the invocation and benediction.
In his address, Dr. Chenoweth called on the community to be a “sent and scented people,” referencing the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth in which he mentions believers having the “pleasing aroma of Christ.” He called for faculty and staff to embrace the student body “sent” to Olivet, while recognizing the “scented aroma” of the Holy Spirit at work.
“We are a gathering and sending institution,” Chenoweth said. “Students come under our care, get equipped for careers and, ideally, are also stamped with God’s call upon their lives. Then they scatter into every imaginable community — professional, residential, hobby, neighborhood and church communities. If the Spirit of God is in them, they become a remedy to the needs of the world. They join 50,000 alumni sent from this place to do every imaginable good.”
The event featured faculty musicians Dr. Neal Woodruff ’91 and Dr. Don Reddick ’79 as well as student ministry team The Narrow. All attendees were given a candle from Daisy Hill Fragrances, a student-owned business. Tom Ascher ’08/’17 MBA, director of human resources, acknowledged milestone accomplishments of faculty and staff during the event, and Dr. Lance Kilpatrick ’02, associate dean of the School of Education, and Stacey Moore ’09/’18 MBA, associate dean of academic systems and communication, were honored as the 2023 Faculty Member of the Year and 2023 Staff Member of the Year, respectively.
From Olivet The Magazine, Strength & Hope – Autumn 2023. Read the full issue HERE.